Hands In Motion
Unleashing the Energy of the Hands
Gentle movement
& yoga therapy for hands, arms, shoulders, head, and neck.
Classes with Anita
Our hands are
powerful tools which we use every day. They are connected to the rest of our body by arms and shoulders, neck
and head, and chest and abdomen. In
order to keep our hands healthy and maintain them in top condition, we must
also maintain our arms, shoulders and the other areas of our body to which the bones,
muscles, and energy of the hands are connected.
In this
workshop we will use breathing and gentle motion to open the pathways to the
hands. You will learn a series of gentle
exercises that will quickly bring warmth and vitality to the hands. When done over time, these easy movements will
enhance your breathing, flexibility, coordination, strength, and dexterity. In addition, these exercises relax and
stretch muscles, improve joint mobility, improve breathing, and support emotional
health and well being. As well as other health benefits.
The exercises used come from
the ancient traditions of Chinese medical qi gong, yoga, & shamanism and
the modern movement form of Feldenkrais. We will also massage some major acupuncture points and use hand
reflexology points to stimulate the flow of energy to the hands.
Time: Mon June 2 - June 23, 5:30 -7 pm
474 Presumpscot St, Portland
Cost: $60 for 4 weeks
Call to Preregistar:
Adeva ....207-233-2805
return to Home page,
Bach Flower Remedies - Flower Essences,
Qi Gong,
Hand Massage Class,
Hands in Motion Class,
Natural, Safe, & Gentle Therapies - Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Metamorphic Technique, Somato-Emotional Release,
Body Oriented Healing - Massage Therapy,
NLP- NeuroLinguistic Programing ,
Healing through the Chakras,
Infant Massage,
Facial Rejuvenation,
Moving into Wellness,
Prosperity through the Chakras Yoga Class